Thursday, June 2

Bell Museum.

We have decided that field trips are a great idea. And they are. But. They are also a little bit crazy, a ton of work, and leave all of us (Mama, Papa, and birds) extremely tired. Yet, looking over the photos from today (long, long, long today) I am so happy and know all our kids had an awesome time. And maybe learned a little. And absolutely experienced a lot!

Today we went to the Bell Museum. We rode 3 different buses to get there, and walked lots of blocks in between transfers. At the museum we had the best time. We got to see so many animals and talked about the animals, their food, their habitats...In the touch and feel room we got to touch bones, skulls, rocks, crystals, seashells, fur, a bear, a moose...We also got to see several different live snakes and different types of turtles (alive). But, we also saw many different turtle shells (dead).

On the way home we missed a bus transfer (of course. we were tired. and walking slow) and so we decided to eat lunch at The St. Clair Broiler. I love that Luna, Cooper, and Wren marched in and told the hostess, "9 children and 2 adults, please." They were received with blank stares. We had a lovely lunch, barely staying awake for it, and then made it home where we all crashed for naps. It was, truly, a really wonderful day. (Some of the pics are a little blurry. I added them anyway. Just the nature of the day.)

Oh, forgot to mention that the day started off a little crazy. We needed to catch our first bus at Chatsworth and Grand. I don't know, 6 blocks or so from our house? We started walking, realized we would NEVER make the connection, and ran back to get the wagon(which we later ditched at Health Foundations) piled all the kids in, and RAN. There is always enough time for a video though...

We still missed the bus. Here we are waiting for the next one.

Luna and Wren! Luna is old enough to know that this picture is funny. Luna: "Because then it will look like that guy is sitting at the bus stop with us." And here they are taking turns kissing him. "I can't believe I kissed him!"

We arrive at the museum. Safe. Sound. And so many interesting things to look at! Well worth the bus rides.

The bears. I love this exhibit. I used to take Luna here when I nannied for her while pregnant with Wren. They have recordings of the bears and the sounds they make when they experience different things. Such as, they huff and blow when they are scared. A mama bear lost her cub and cried for days, making this sad, wailing sound. She stopped making the sound once reunited with her cubs. I told the birds this story, and then we listened to the sound.
THEN we played bear cubs in the bear cave.

THEN we talked about beavers and the sharp teeth they have for chewing on wood. Later, in the touch and feel room, we looked at and touched beaver teeth!

An albino snake:

The birds went around this room with enthusiasm and curiosity and amazement. It was so much fun to watch them all experience it.

More snakes!

Even baby Milo got to hang out with a fossil rock.

Deer leg.


A crystal!

And barely awake, but we are headed home...

Mike and I take turns enchanting them at this bus stop. Telling crazy stories and singing songs. So many people ask if they are ALL ours. How, exactly, would that work?


  1. oh. my. god. you guys are incredible. I laughed so hard reading this blog post, my favorite was the first video "Mikey I can't believe you are running so fast!" wow, what a day!

  2. You two are absolutely amazing with what you do---I can't believe that you were brave enough to try for 3 buses this time--please don't make the next one 4--take it easy on yourselves and settle for just one. I'm got tired out just watching Mike run pushing that wagon fill of LBs--I bet he slept good last night.

  3. I looooove this post so much! Thank you so much for sharing the adventure with all of us! (And did Isla seriously take a blankie on the bus?? Looks like it, from the first pic.)

  4. Love this!!! Amazing!! :) I am still smiling:)

  5. Papa Mike here saying thanks for the positive comments! I appreciate it, as I do get my workout at 3LB pushing the wagon and shuffling many children from city bus to city bus. Fortunately, I have a lot of energy available to burn (aka "lovehandles") so no need to worry about me. Plus, just like the kiddos, I love an adventure. In fact, Mama Ara often calls me "3LB's biggest, craziest child". I take that as a compliment.
    And yes Karen, Isla was able to sneak a blanket along for the ride. Good thing she did too, because it came in handy when we sat on it for one of several "waiting for the next bus" snack breaks that day!
